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Air duct cleaning

When was the last time you got your duct system cleaned? Did you know that dirty air duct systems lower the air quality in your home and can cause accumulation of mold buildup, allergens, harmful contaminants, other bacteria in the air and more?

Air Duct Cleaning
Dryer Vent Cleaning

Dryer vent cleaning

If your dryer is starting to give you a hard time recently, then this is a sign that there is probably something wrong with your dryer vent. The problem could range from clogged dryer vents to broken internal parts. Call us now to schedule service

Uv light installation

UV lights are Installed directly into your central air system, which assist in cleaning air throughout your home or business. At Pure Aire Duct, our UV light installation services will eliminate microbes and odors as air cycles repeatedly throughout your HVAC system.

UV Light Installation Services